During this camp, music is a support to the path of meditation, to live the joy of silence, to sing and dance in gratitude and celebration. The musicians are meditators, friends on the path. Music and Meditation, Sound and Silence go together.
The live music moments and the Singing Circles are pure moments of joy, of sharing our presence and energy togetherness. We are never spectators, our hearts, bodies and voices are invited to melt, to become One. In other live music moments we dance, we dance… and then we sit bathing ourselves in the joyful silence pulsating in the aliveness of the beat of our hearts, of (the gentle awakening) of the music and of nature.
Sublime moments of Music, Meditation and Mystery. Celebration is our birthright.
Khalid (Belgium) — Electric Guitar, Drums, Vocals

Let’s begin with the end, because what matters in the end, is silence.
For me, the path to silence with the highest fun factor, is music. Travelling that path, and sharing it with fellow travellers, is one of the joys in life.
Prem Gitam (Germany) — Bass Guitar, Guitar, Vocals

I am just Prem Gitam, playing the bass with some deep notes to bring you some deepness. Music is my passion and my love.
Sat Akaal (Belgium) — Flutes, Keyboard, Rhythmical Instruments, Vocals

Already as a child, Sat Akaal had the feeling of doing something with her voice and she also picked up the flute at a young age.
Later on she started combining music and meditation with singing bowls and other sound-healing instruments.
Being a yoga teacher, she ends each lesson with sound healing as a meditation/relaxation.
She played together with other musicians for various musical events (meditation festivals, singing circles, sound healing sessions etc.).
“It is important to ‘awaken’ something in people’s hearts. Sound and music give me much joy in life and I want to share this with others!”
Marius Lazăr (Romania) — Shepherd’s Flutes, Caval, Didgeridoo

Passioned by music and traditional music in particular, Marius started the exploration of musical instruments as a teenager, with guitar, followed by wind instruments. He graduated the School of Popular Arts — Guitar Section in Bucharest, 2006. After a hiatus of several years, he returned to music and learned (by himself) to play the Australian didgeridoo, then the shepherd’s flutes and the Romanian caval.
The meeting of music and meditation happened naturally, the silence nourishing his openness to sounds, while the music brought him a new… blow to his meditation moments. Thus, he got invitations to play his instruments at various public and private events, alone or together with other musicians/players, where he was playing with the silence and the sounds, to awake that “something” that contains both….
In his “ordinary” life, Marius works as a sociologist-researcher in the social area but is also involved in various civic actions.
Devageet (Romania) — guitar, vocals

Devageet is a passionate musician and loves OSHO Meditations. For Devageet, music transcends the ordinary, being the essence of the Divine, a bridge towards the mysteries of the Universe.
Cristian Drîmbă (Romania) — flutes, drums, guitar, percussion & more

Multi-instrumentalist based in Bucharest, started playing music as a teenager on bass guitar in rock’n roll and alternative rock bands. Over time he became interested in ethnic music and instruments from Romania and around the world. In 2016 he delved into Indian culture and since then he has been playing percussion, string and wind instruments at yoga and kirtan sessions.
He passionately believes in the power of chanting and instrument playing – using music as a tool for self expression, discovery, healing and connection with people and the Divine.